Just how high can you stack a bunch of shoes on top of each other?
This is the question our annual Leaning Tower of Feetza contest poses. And, yes, there are prizes!
If you’re unfamiliar with this fast-paced and fun group initiative, the task is to build the tallest free-standing structure using only the shoes of the people building the tower. Watch this short YouTube video to see the contest in action.
It’s been a few years since we last issued this worldwide challenge, and now that many more groups are returning to face to face environments, we figured it was time to give it some air.
This year, you can choose to submit an entry for one or both of two competitions:
Build the tallest free-standing structure using only 10 shoes, ie five pairs of shoes.
Build the tallest free-standing structure using as many shoes as you can muster.
The winner of each contest will get an Annual Pro membership (valued at $117.)
To see the photographic evidence of the two tallest towers built a few years ago (one involving 65 pairs of shoes!) visit this page.
As we expect dozens of entries again this year, please take note of the following:
You can also upload your photos directly to the private Facebook Group for Interactive Group Games & Activities.
The competition closes midnight 31 March 7 April 2022 (extended by frequent request) and our 2020 Feetza Contest winners will be announced the following week.
If you’ve got questions, send them here.
Okay, get ready to build.
ps: a special nod to my friend and mentor Karl Rohnke, who named this challenge so aptly 30+ years ago.
Original post March 2022, last updated March 2022.