What’s a TED talk, I hear you say?
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and avid followers of this blog will know that I’m a HUGE fan.
Tons of really, really valuable videos from some of the top experts around the world that are typically inspiring, educational and all-out informative. I guarantee these talks will impact you in a big way.
If developing teams interests you, click this link and take your pick from the ten TED talks every team should see (sorry, link broken.)
And if you would like to learn dozens of new and fun ways to help your team function and perform more successfully, click here.
Get 150+ no-prop games & activities + exclusive 30-day free trial of playmeo. Scan QR codes to view activity videos, leadership tips, etc.
50+ cards that portray a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry & confused. Ideal for building emotional literacy skills.
Original post September 2012, last updated March 2024.