One of the most basic no-no’s of any program delivery, especially online, is to eat a meal while presenting. It can be messy, some may consider it a little bit rude, and there is always the chance an errant thread of spinach will get stuck between your teeth.
With this in mind, you can imagine my surprise and delight when I was invited to be part of a podcast in which I was instructed to eat pizza during the conversation.
Enter the Pizza & PE Podcast. As described by Kim Morton, one of the three podcast hosts, it’s just a group of friends eating pizza while discussing PE (physical education.)
It was a blast.
And even though it was early morning for me to join my North Carolinian podcast hosts, I saved a couple of slices of pizza from the night before to consume during the conversation so I did not feel left out.
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Click the button below to listen to the latest Pizza & PE podcast episode.
Pizza & PE Podcast
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Original post April 2022, last updated May 2022.