Another year has passed, and what a year it’s been.
Certainly, I am not glad that the COVID19 pandemic happened, but I am grateful for the many, many opportunities this experience has afforded me to connect more deeply with my members and the broader community.
If it wasn’t for COVID – and again, I’m not saying I’m glad it happened – these richer relationships would not have occurred.
So, as we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome a new year, I am hopeful that 2022 will be a smoother, safer and more prosperous year for us all. It is my fervent wish that we continue to connect as often and as meaningfully as we have.
And finally, THANK YOU for being a part of the playmeo community.
To all of our 9K+ members and users all over the world, I sincerely thank you for your attention, contribution and trust over the course of this year. It means the world to me.
We’re taking a break for a few weeks and will be back in the saddle in mid-January.
I look forward to connecting with you then.
Happy festivus 🙂
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50+ cards that portray a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry & confused. Ideal for building emotional literacy skills.
…… annnnnd being part of playmeo was one of the great highlights of my year.
thanks to you, mark, and all the members!
special shoutout to everyone i met virtually, monthly, to get there.
wink wiiiiink.
here’s to fabulously eventful 2022!