A friend once said to me that she had noticed the most interesting people she knew were people who asked good questions.
This got me thinking.
I have known for a long time that most conversations seem to start from the perspective of looking for things in common. You know, where do you work, where have you been, what films have you seen lately? Pretty basic stuff, but not particularly powerful.
I am clear that the search for commonality, no doubt, is important because it forms the foundation of a trusting and healthy relationship. I also know that people love to talk about themselves. We all love it when other people take a genuine interest in us.
So, it stands to reason that we think other people are interesting because they found interest in us.
Take a look at this article in Inc magazine that describes nine questions interesting people ask. It inspired me to consider and reflect on my own questions (some of which appeared on the list:)
What questions do you ask in the search for commonality?
With thanks to Nate Folan for sharing this article with me.
Original post February 2018, last updated April 2024.