We are always so excited to share the latest and greatest activity ideas with our members and users as soon as we upload them.
Yet, I’ve been so busy lately with other projects, I had neglected to tell you about three of our most recent activities.
There are always more on the way – to our target of 550 activities by the year’s end – so the following will serve as a quick catch up:
I saw this action-packed game presented at a youth camp I was a part of many years ago and the suspense hooked me right in immediately. It’s like musical chairs for small groups. It’s a fun energiser no doubt, but you may also choose to present this exercise as a lesson in reading social cues.
At a push, I would suggest that Up Nelson sits somewhere in my Top 60 activities. Learned from a naval officer during a training workshop I was presenting, this competitive sit-down-at-a-table game will engage your group immediately and for long periods of time. The echoes of laughter and thrilling excitement still reverberate in my head to this day. All you need is a solid table that could seat 8 to 12 people and a coin. Have fun.
This exercise started out as a novel arrival activity for a large group of strangers that were dribbling in ever so slowly from the previous conference session. I had never seen it done before, and now it’s become one of my go-to strategies to engage my groups before the program even starts. You could introduce it as a fun icebreaker and name-game, as much as a group initiative. Oh, if you like to be challenged, don’t miss the extra bonus activity embedded in the description. I’ve only seen this challenge accomplished on three other occasions.
Have FUNN with these new activity ideas.
Get 150+ no-prop games & activities + exclusive 30-day free trial of playmeo. Scan QR codes to view activity videos, leadership tips, etc.
50+ cards that portray a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry & confused. Ideal for building emotional literacy skills.
Original post March 2022, last updated March 2022.