Our online activity database expanded to include low and portable Challenge Course activities in 2020 and this week we uploaded our 20th activity description. Consider it your digital Challenge Course Safety Manual for low elements.
If you use the low elements of a challenge ropes course, or you like to integrate a variety of portable group initiatives into your program, you’re in luck. Our early research reported a list of the most popular low challenge course activities and these have now all been uploaded to playmeo.
View Challenge Course Activities
You’ll find everything you need to know to lead these challenge course activities safely and effectively including all-time favourites Nitro Crossing, The Wall, Trust Fall and the Spider’s Web. Not to mention some classic portable activities like the Trolleys, Islands and All Aboard.
Naturally, playmeo’s database will give you all of the necessary step-by-step instructions for each of these activities, but you may already know these.
Importantly, you will learn some really valuable leadership tips (to squeeze even more value from these activities) not to mention a bunch of new and interesting variations to keep your challenge course programming fresh and up-to-date.
And best of all, you have everything you need to know in your back pocket when you’re leading these activities, ie no more annoying safety manuals. Just whip out your smartphone and voila – you have all of the instructions, leadership tips, variations and reflection strategies at your fingertips.
Browse our digital Challenge Course Safety Manual for 20 of the most popular low elements today.
View Challenge Course Activities
Original post March 2021, last updated March 2021.