I don’t know about you, but when I’m browsing a website I am more inclined to click the live chat widget (to speak directly with a customer support team member) than pick up the phone to ask a question or bother to hit the Contact Us page to send a message.
With this ease and comfort in mind, I’m excited to announce that Live Chat is coming soon to a screen near you as you browse playmeo’s resources.
This function is being beta-tested across most of the playmeo ecosystem right now. You won’t see it on every page, and there’ll be chunks of time when you won’t see it at all. But when you do spy it in the bottom right corner of your screen (desktop or mobile,) you can be sure someone will be there to help you.
In my experience, there’s nothing worse than clicking a Live Chat icon on a website only to discover that there is no live human actually there, or worse, it’s an automated bot with no real intelligence. Grrrr.
Over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll iron out the kinks and develop our knowledge base so that our member support team can respond to your questions and needs as best as they can.
Ultimately, we aim to staff our live chat with real human beings 24/7/365. Not yet, but I’m eager to get there. And we may not always have the answer you need, but we’ll do our best to help you or point you in the right direction.
So, if you’re up for a chat – or better still, have a burning question – look for the handy Live Chat icon on your screen.
Adding a live chat function was useful for many 100s of our members and users. Yet, it was an experiment, and given that the level of interaction was very low, we have switched to an AI-generated chat function as of July 2023.
Our AI agent Apollo is super-smart and, following extensive testing, has proven to answer 95% of our users’ questions without needing a live person to interact with.
We intend to re-introduce a live person chat feature again soon, but for now, we hope you benefit from the support offered by Apollo.
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Original post April 2022, last updated July 2023.