Online conferencing and virtual meetings are exploding all over the world, and most of us are relative novices in this realm.
Consequently, if my most recent experiences are any guide, we are not particularly good at knowing how to prepare and deliver these experiences well.
Below is a recent post from Seth Godin in which he shared his advice about how to do online meetings very well. I follow only two blogs in this world, and Seth’s blog is one of them.
His sage advice about Zoom Tips for the Modern Age is extremely useful, and I share the headline features of his guidance below.
I hope you find it useful to ramp up the value and engagement of your next meeting.
PS: if you’re interested, the only other person I follow is Bernadette Jiwa who has helped me (and thousands of others) unlock the power of my story. Check her out.
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Original post April 2020, last updated November 2023.