
playmeo Competitors & Alternatives

Get a quick overview of how playmeo compares to its competitors.

It is reasonable, and we want to encourage you, to compare playmeo’s online activity database to a number of other competitors or alternatives in the market.

While it would be fair to say that there is no true competitor or alternative, we are aware of at least three related products that offer one or more features similar to playmeo’s online resources.


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Training Wheels logo


Training Wheels


Training Wheels is owned and operated by Michelle Cummings, a highly respected and experienced team-building facilitator in the USA. Over the years, Training Wheels has developed an Online Games Database featuring 450+ group games & activities plus a large online store of books & resources.

Key Comparisons

Very few activity video tutorials

Many activities require specialised props
(sold commercially by TW)

Expensive monthly & annual fees

No database search facility

Kikori app logo


Kikori App


This Kikori mobile app was founded by two wonderful experiential educators Bryn Lottig and Kendra Bostick, based in the USA. It specialises in a wide variety of experiential-based activities which focus on SEL (social-emotional learning) curriculum, 40+ of which were sourced from playmeo at start-up.

Key Comparisons

Designed primarily as a smartphone app

1,000+ activities (inc variations)

Academically oriented

Primary focus on young people

Expensive annual & enterprise plans

Ultimate Camp Resource logo


Ultimate Camp Resource


The folks at Ultimate Camp Resource have curated a terrific collection of games and activities that are specifically intended for use in summer camp programs. As they say, their site is for camp people by camp people. A large proportion of their activities are featured within playmeo’s database.

Key Comparisons

Access is free (no paywall)

Advertisements are everywhere

No search facility

Videos typically feature camp staff, not real participants (campers)

For The Record


As a point of comparison,
playmeo’s online resources feature:

Comprehensive database of 530+ group games & activities

Browse FREE Step-by-Step Instructions for EVERY activity (no optin required)

30-day no-risk moneyback guarantee

50%+ of activities require no props to play

Powerful search function leveraging 70+ attributes

280+ activity instruction videos

Accessible on all devices

Expansive professional development library

Free 1:1 support sessions for subscribers

Individual subscription plans start from $6/month

Enterprise (team-based) subscription plans start at $25/month (up to 10 users)

New Health & Wellness and SEL curriculum


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Top Ten Icebreakers & Group Games

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