Discover the ultimate list of five must-have team-building tools that fit in a single bag yet unlock endless possibilities for group engagement. From versatile card decks to ropes and emoji cards, this article showcases simple yet powerful resources that inspire connection…
Think only extroverts make great facilitators? Think again. In this article, we explore how both personality types can excel with the right skills and adaptability, offering insights and practical tips to help facilitators connect and engage with any group. This means introverts can also…
Despite their name, many so-called icebreakers actually create tension rather than ease it. This happens when facilitators misunderstand what it truly means to break the ice. In this post, I’ll share with you the 5 essential ingredients that make icebreakers truly effective…
Do you sometimes get stuck remembering people’s names? Or, have you ever uttered the words “I’m not good with names?” Or, have you ever met someone new, asked for their name and then three seconds later, completely forgot it.
Have you noticed that people often join with their friends when you form teams? Do you regularly use the 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4… technique, or the (disastrous) ‘pick two captains’ strategy? There are better ways of…
So you’ve asked your group to pick a partner so that you can form smaller teams and… they immediately make a beeline to their best friends. I get it, this frustrates me too. But what if I told you there are…
Whether you’re a new or experienced program leader, there are always lots of questions. Indeed, as I look back over the course of my 34+…
This is not a pitch for political correctness. It’s about respect. I want to share with you a few simple, practical ways I have learned…
As one of my last posts for the year, this week’s nugget of wisdom is HUGE. Chatting with my coach the other day, he told…
Trust me, I’m a doctor. We’ve all heard this phrase before and have possibly applied its essence to our work. In the game I play…
A few weeks ago I wrote about the difference between someone who plans on the run and another who strictly follows an agenda they developed…
Here’s another jewel of wisdom that landed with a thump last week from my executive coach… Isolation is a growth killer – it keeps you…
Some years ago, the Partnership for 21st Century Education* conducted a meta-analysis of all of the research that had been published that focused on the…
Are you the sort of leader who follows their gut and delivers what you think your group needs in the moment, or do you prefer…
The word ‘utopia’ conjures many things in many places. I know it’s been referred to occasionally in training workshops I have delivered over the years…
One of the most powerful things an educator can do to help their groups succeed is to create a safe, welcoming environment in which their…
At first glance, the words childlike and childish may look like they are saying the same thing. But they are not. Such is the power…
Have you noticed that it’s not until you ask a group to form a circle that you get a real sense of how large your…
This post is the fourth & final instalment of articles designed to help you effectively lead large group programs. What’s So Special About Large Groups?…
This post is the third of four articles designed to help you effectively lead large group programs. What’s So Special About Large Groups? Essential Tips…
This post is the second of four articles designed to help you effectively lead large group programs. What’s So Special About Large Groups? Essential Tips…
This post is the first of four articles designed to help you effectively lead large group programs. What’s So Special About Large Groups? (this article)…
One of the most common questions I get from teachers, trainers, and other group leaders is: How do you do what you do? In other…
It’s natural when you meet someone new for the first time to be curious about what they might do to fill their day, ie I…
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