Here’s a must-view short film that is not only beautiful to watch, but offers a message too important to miss.
Click to watch: Muddy Puddles and Painted Sunsets from Marty McNicol (sorry, all links broken).
This film speaks the truth about suffocating our children’s imaginations, limiting their potential and seriously stunting their development if they are denied the opportunity to play outdoors.
There’s nothing wrong with screens – they are an essential tool in this 21st Century. But they are just that – a tool – not a crutch for bored minds or lazy parenting.
As Dr Stuart Brown, the founder of the National Institute for Play, says in his book Play – play is as essential to the development of a human being as sleep and nutrition.
Our children are falling ill to the impact of too much screen time, and playing outside is the best tonic we can give them – rain, hail or shine.
Play. Outside. Today.
Original post June 2016, last updated March 2024.