There is nothing more powerful than an example. Or, as my son would say, “in real life.”
One of my favourite art reflection activities is what I call Album Cover. If it’s not something you are familiar with, click the link, I think you’ll like it.
Recently, a coaching client of mine shared a real-life example of her album cover soundtrack as a way to process the completion of her coaching sessions. I think you’ll agree, it’s pretty awesome.
Thinking it may inspire others to embrace this wonderful debriefing or reflection tool, Liz was happy for me to share it with the playmeo community (in her own words:)
… before our final Zoom yesterday I thought, ‘maybe I should do an album cover reflection of this experience’… and I did!
Please see photo attached (below.)
Words always come much easier to me than pictures. I have thoughts on how to add to a message through graphic design, but the execution is never quite as clear as it looked in my head! I guess the whole thing isn’t ‘perfect’… but this seemed like a good way to sit with imperfect and let it be!
I ended up writing a bit of an ‘album review’ or blurb. It went over two pages and I thought my handwriting could be difficult to read, so I thought I’d write it again here.
Track 1 was the natural starting point for this album, whilst track 2 acknowledges the different, unique and wonderful context each ‘listener’ will need to be personally aware of to fully engage with the album.
Track 3 & 4 feed into each other, with the timely reminder and emphasis of what’s important, how to lead well and what the criteria are for making judgement calls. These tracks have a similar sound to track 1; while track 5 reminds us of track 2.
Track 5 is motivating, a call to action; and a refined craft.
Track 6 is the glue that holds the album together. The sound is warm, welcoming – but most of all contagiously fun! – whilst satisfying something deep inside us all.
Track 7 carries on the sound, and is powerfully hopeful and inspirational, with a steady bass rhythm throughout the song.
‘The Difference’ is a journey – whole but continuing. Each track is brilliant in its own right, yet only a part of the bigger story. It’s great for listening to on your own or with company.
But enough words – the MAGIC is in the experience.
… thanks for sharing your art reflection, Liz. I hope you enjoy playing this soundtrack – and the learnings they evoke – for many years to come.
Original post February 2022, last updated February 2022.