This team problem-solving challenge enhances strategic thinking, communication and physical coordination through competitive iterations. Key Punch creates a dynamic team-building game environment where groups develop process improvement skills and time management awareness. Perfect for corporate retreats, leadership development and team meetings seeking a fun problem-solving exercise that produces immediate results. The active team-building exercise encourages role identification, analysis and collective responsibility.
Key Punch – Team Problem-Solving Challenge
In advance, lay one rope on the ground/floor in the shape of a square or circle.
Place the second rope in a straight line approx 10 metres (33′) away from the first roped area.
Randomly place a set of 30 poly-spots numbered 1 to 30 inside this roped perimeter.
When ready, invite your group to stand behind the second rope, ie starting line.
Challenge your group to touch as many (if not all) of the 30 spots in order from 1 to 30 in less than 30 seconds.
Announce that the time starts as soon as the first person crosses the starting line and stops when the last person crosses back over the line.
Only one person is entitled to be inside the roped-area at any point in time and only this person is permitted to touch the spots (in sequence from 1 to 30.) Otherwise, declare that round as ‘unofficial.’
Tell your group that they have a total of eight rounds in which to complete the task.
If the whole group does not return behind the starting line in less than 30 seconds, they forfeit one round.
Allow 2 to 3 minutes between each round for your group to plan their process.
Monitor the time your group takes for each round and the degree to which they manage their quality.
Once complete, invite your group to reflect on their experience.
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Have you played this activity? What worked, what didn't work? What type of group? Do you have useful advice for other users? Do you know a fun variation?
I can’t understand the rules: does each person have to touch ALL the dots in order from 1 to 30 or does each person touch 1-2 dots? For example, the first person looks for points 1 and 2, the next person looks for points 3 and 4, etc. If EVERY member of the team touches ALL the dots, then it is unrealistic for the whole team to do it in 30 seconds. Or each person should have 30 seconds, not the team as a whole: I wish there was a video. I’m waiting for your explanations to play with teenagers.
Thanks for the question, clarification is always a good thing. Typically, the whole group is tasked with touching all 30 of the numbers/dots. Most groups choose to have one person step inside the boundary and touch all 30 spots in sequence, but sometimes, groups divide the task. So, yes, it is possible your group may task each person to take turns and touch a small number of dots, but most groups utilise just 1 or 2 people. Certainly, you would never task every person to touch all 30 spots. So in summary, the whole group has 30 seconds to complete the task, and its members decide how many people will touch the dots within this time limit.
Love this activity. Good for problem solving through observation as well as a great way for facilitator to observe the participants and reactions. Suggestion to run the activity on level area and ideally dry space as spots could get slippery.
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I can’t understand the rules: does each person have to touch ALL the dots in order from 1 to 30 or does each person touch 1-2 dots? For example, the first person looks for points 1 and 2, the next person looks for points 3 and 4, etc. If EVERY member of the team touches ALL the dots, then it is unrealistic for the whole team to do it in 30 seconds. Or each person should have 30 seconds, not the team as a whole: I wish there was a video. I’m waiting for your explanations to play with teenagers.
Thanks for the question, clarification is always a good thing. Typically, the whole group is tasked with touching all 30 of the numbers/dots. Most groups choose to have one person step inside the boundary and touch all 30 spots in sequence, but sometimes, groups divide the task. So, yes, it is possible your group may task each person to take turns and touch a small number of dots, but most groups utilise just 1 or 2 people. Certainly, you would never task every person to touch all 30 spots. So in summary, the whole group has 30 seconds to complete the task, and its members decide how many people will touch the dots within this time limit.
Love this activity. Good for problem solving through observation as well as a great way for facilitator to observe the participants and reactions. Suggestion to run the activity on level area and ideally dry space as spots could get slippery.