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Three people walking strangely in creative team activity Funny Walk

Funny Walk

Creative team activity to build connection & physical expression.

  • Playful & fun
  • Develops trust
  • Promotes collaboration
  • Inspires creativity
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

This creative team activity unleashes imagination and breaks down inhibitions through playful movement and expression. Funny Walk transforms ordinary locomotion into a collaborative adventure that builds trust and cooperation. The active team-building game encourages participants to coordinate with increasing complexity. Perfect for workshops, conferences or training sessions, this creative team-building exercise generates laughter while nurturing relationships and fostering an atmosphere of acceptance.

Funny Walk – Creative Team Activity
  1. Assemble your group at one end of a wide open space, possibly behind a line.
  2. Every person is invited to walk from one side of the space to the other in the most inventive, zany manner they can think of.
  3. When the group arrives at the other end, form pairs and repeat the crossing, without repeating any walking styles that have already been used.
  4. All crossings must involve some form of physical contact between partners.
  5. Next crossing, two pairs form into groups of four.
  6. Then, two groups of four form into groups of eight people, and so on.
  7. People cross back and forth until the final crossing involves the whole group.

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