Team-building & problem-solving activities involve whole-of-group participation, focusing on developing practical group problem-solving, leadership, communication & teamwork skills.


These team-building problem-solving activities, sometimes called group initiatives, are ideal for groups of young people and adults, new and existing teams, and often stimulate significant growth for a group, especially if they are provided with an opportunity to reflect on their experience upon completion.


Essential Characteristics of Problem-Solving Activities


Team-building problem-solving activities provide an opportunity for groups to communicate, co-operate and compromise with each other as they solve one or more problems as a team. Group initiatives often feature:

  • Physical and verbal interaction among group members to solve problems;
  • High levels of arousal, excitement and frustration, where patience is often required;
  • Opportunities for leadership, trust, communication and group cooperation to emerge;
  • Employ a ‘trial-and-error’ approach to learning; and
  • Focus on the process, and not just the task at hand.

If you are particularly interested in creative, lateral-thinking exercises, take a look at our fun team-building puzzles.


Team-Building & Problem-Solving Activity Ideas


The images below provide links to a sample of fun, engaging and highly successful teambuilding exercises that are drawn from playmeo’s innovative activity database.

Enjoy browsing to your heart’s content.

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