Group in circle playing Samurai


Extremely playful & energetic make-believe tag game.

  • Simple
  • Very playful & fun
  • Enthralling warm-up
  • Sharpens observation skills

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Comments (3)

  1. Larry Childs

    This activity has many great attributes – to start it gathers the group in a circle for a mysterious purpose which is always heightens engagement. Then there is the de-inhibitizing aspect of making a silly gesture and sound.,,and along with that a choice about how dramatic or carried away one might choose to get with their movement and sounds. Generally the acting and volume increases with time and comfort as everyone gets into it.

    Framing variation: Since the sword/samuri image can conjure up images of violence for some, I often modify the framing such that one is passing positive energy force. This can demand equal dramatization and volume, just less imaginary slicing of body parts. For the version involving 2 neighbors miming a sideways chopping assault on the receiver I tell participants that this movement serves to toughen and test the receivers abdominal muscles (v. chop them in half). Finally this works equally well without a prop – just 2 arms with palms together

  2. Jamazurunner

    I used an inflatable hockey stick (overly large which made the kiddos smile)!

  3. David Piang-Nee

    Played this on a canoe trip.. instead of pool noodle, it was a paddle while everyone still had their life vests on.. so moving around was much harder.. creative adaptation made it super fun and memorable

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