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Girl attempting to jump on foot of boy in energetic game called Pretty Darn Quick

Pretty Darn Quick

Quick, energetic & dynamic tag game for small groups.

  • Very active
  • Competitive
  • Develops agility
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Gather three to ten people in a circle.
  2. One person nominates themselves as the leader (number #1) and assigns a number to every other person in the circle to establish the order of play.
  3. The leader calls “PDQ” which causes everyone to jump back out of the circle.
  4. The primary aim for each person is to remain in the game as long as possible by tagging the feet of others while also avoiding being tagged.
  5. A person may be eliminated in one of three ways:
    – The top of their foot (shoe) is tagged by (the foot of) a person taking their turn;
    – They move in anticipation of the person taking their turn faking a jump; or
    – They jump out of sequence of the order of play, ie person #4 jumps before person #3 takes their turn.
  6. When a person is tagged, they exit the game.
  7. Play continues until the last person standing wins the game.
  8. The winner becomes the leader to start the next game.

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