Everyone has three ‘lives’ and their task is to avoid losing a life for as long as possible.
Everyone starts by walking around the area, no running.
As you are walking, randomly tag one person on their shoulder.
This tagged person must quickly call out the name of a person (other than ‘It’) who is still in the game.
The named-person will become the new ‘It” who must immediately seek to tag someone new.
This process will repeat itself – a tag is made, a name is called, a tag is made, a new name is called, etc.
A person may lose a ‘life’ in one of four ways:
– Just-been-named did not tag a new person quickly;
– Just-been-tagged did not call a name quickly;
– Just-been-tagged called the name of their tagger (It) or someone who has been eliminated; or
– The tagger (It) calls out a name as they tag someone.
Once a person has lost three lives, they are eliminated from the game.
Continue playing until three final people remain, or the energy starts to wane.
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