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Two groups of people playing fun whole group tag game called Giants Wizards Elves

Giants, Wizards & Elves

Whole group tag game to spark energy & team spirit.

  • Very playful & fun
  • Highly energetic
  • Promotes collaboration
  • Inspires critical thinking
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

This whole group tag game brings fantasy characters to life through movement and playful sounds. Giants, Wizards & Elves creates a team-based challenge that gets everyone running and laughing. Perfect for outdoor spaces, this animated tag game helps groups burn energy while building team spirit. The simple rules make it easy to learn and play right away. Suitable for all ages, it works well with large groups looking for a fun, active game with a competitive edge.

Giants, Wizards & Elves – Whole Group Tag Game
  1. Mark two ‘safe’ areas approx 30 metres apart, with a line situated in the middle of these two zones.
  2. Divide your group into two teams.
  3. Ask your group to mimic your actions as you establish three distinct physical characters:
    – Giants: Arms held high above your head, calling ‘ROOOAAARRR.’
    – Wizards: Arms and fingers extended forward as if casting a spell, saying “ZZZZZZZ.”
    – Elves: Bent knees and hold your ears, squeaking “ELF, ELF ELF.”
  4. Explain that Giants chase Wizards, Wizards chase Elves and Elves chase Giants.
  5. Each team huddles in their safe area to agree on Plan A character and Plan B character.
  6. After 30 seconds, ask both teams to stand facing one another about 2 metres apart from the middle line.
  7. On your count of “1, 2, 3” each team reveals their (Plan A) character.
  8. If two different characters are revealed, one team will chase the other back to their safe zone.
  9. If a person is tagged before they reach their safe zone, they switch teams.
  10. If each team reveals the same character, ask them to prepare to reveal their Plan B character.
  11. Play several rounds until one team wins everyone on their side.

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Comments (2)

  1. David Piang-Nee

    Good Fun wide game. Have played this many a time as participant and have run it as well. It doesn’t require too much space depending on the group size.

    It is also good fun when people get confused… lots of laughs.. Really like the idea of Plan A and B as well.. will try this when we next run this game.

  2. David

    Variation – play in pairs, however you don’t need to tag your partner if you win. Instead, just count who wins the most out of 3 or 5.
    When playing in pairs, stand back to back before each round, then call out “Giants, wizards, elves”. On “Elves”, take one step away from your partner, then turn around and do your action.

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