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Hand wrapping ribbon around their finger as part of fun ice-breaker exercise called Wrapped Around My Finger

Wrapped Around My Finger

Non-threatening strategy to promote small group sharing.

  • Inventive
  • Simple & fun
  • Promotes sharing
  • Unique conversation starter

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Form smaller groups of 2 to 5 people.
  2. Distribute a length of tubular webbing (or ribbon) to each small group.
  3. By way of demonstration, describe the unique method you would like each person to share a story.
  4. Starting with one end of the webbing between your thumb and index finger, wind the webbing around your index finger as you share your story.
  5. Keep winding the webbing, and keep sharing, until all of the webbing has been wound around your finger.
  6. Upon completing your story, pass the tightly bound webbing to the person on your left, to resume the story-telling process.
  7. In the allotted time, ask a volunteer in each small group to start wrapping and sharing.
  8. Continue until everyone has shared their story.

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