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Two people showing a wooden block they are holding and sharing as part of fun ice-breaker called Mingle and Match

Mingle & Match

Simple get-to-know-you game that builds connections.

  • Simple, rapid execution
  • Highly interactive
  • Fosters communication
  • Builds trust & relationships
  • Ideal for large groups

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Place a set of toy blocks in a pile central to your group.
  2. Ask each person to pick one or two blocks from the pile.
  3. Invite each person to mingle with others in the group and find one other person with a similar side on their blocks, ie same letter, number, colour, symbol, etc.
  4. Once a similarity is found between two blocks, each pair should take a moment to find at least one personal connection (commonality) that they have with each other.
  5. After a brief conversation, invite each person to mingle in the group again, and match their block with someone new.

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