Comfort zone exercise to explore personal growth boundaries.
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This is a great self discovery activity as well as getting to know the rest of the group activity.
Setting up the space to indicate that there is no right or wrong or judgement on what the individuals response is is very important. This will hopefully encourage honest self reflections and sharing depending on the group.
Again depending on the setup the information shared will be respected and used positively as well by all members of the group. If for example someone remembers that another participant was a bit nervous about something they learnt though the activity, they can then support that person or work more effectively.
As an educator or someone leading and learning about your students or groups, it is a powerful tool that could be used to get an insight into your students and help them grow.
It is also a nice way of showing that we are all different and also bridge gaps that may exist. Students may not see educators as people and this activity may reduce those barriers a little and help people connect more.
I often like to ask people to share a little on why they are standing where they are .. only if they are comfortable to do so.. not a justification but just to share a little more so as to increase the connections.. Great activity when used correctly and with a group that is ready for it.