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Large group moving to the commands of fun game called Mr & Mrs Wright

Mr & Mrs Wright

Fun story-telling energiser to sharpen listening skills.

  • Very fun & playful
  • Ideal for large groups
  • Sharpens listening skills
  • In-person & virtual
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In advance, visit the Resources tab to download one of two Print+Play scripts to facilitate this exercise, or create your own.
  2. Assemble your group in front of you, with ample space to move about.
  3. Explain that you would like them to listen closely to a story you are about to narrate.
  4. Every time you say the word “LEFT” in the story, everyone must take a step to their left, and when you say “RIGHT,” they step to their right.
  5. Narrate your story following the suggested script.
  6. You may choose to eliminate people who misstep or neglect to move when they should, or simply acknowledge the errors and continue with your story.

Resources Premium

Video Tutorial Premium

Video Tutorial Premium

How To Play Narrative Premium

Practical Leadership Tips Premium

Social-Emotional Learning Premium

Health & Wellness Programming Premium

Popular Variations Premium

Virtual Adaptation Premium

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Comments (2)

  1. David Piang-Nee

    Yes works a treat in real life too. Need the space to move 🙂 …

    Love the experience you shared Emily of doing so online.. might give that a go online as well soon 🙂

  2. Emily

    I did this story virtually with staff on a Zoom Call and it worked wonders. I asked everyone to take a moment to think about what action they would like to do when I said “wright” and a different action when I said the word “left”.

    I laughed a LOT once I started reading the story. One staff had a trombone that he would play every time the word “wright” was said. He would run and jump on his bed, pick up his trombone and play a hilarious note or sequence. Then he would drop it on his bed and run to the other side of his room and high five his closet for the LEFT. People were in tears from laughing.

    Thank you again for Playmeo!!

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