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Woman creeping up to a man with his eyes closed as part of suspenseful group game Ghost


Suspenseful group game to build awareness & excitement.

  • Playful & fun
  • Sharpens listening skills
  • Inspires creativity
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

This suspenseful group game creates an atmosphere of tension and excitement as players try to sense what they cannot see. Ghost works well in spacious areas where participants can spread out. Perfect for youth groups or team days, this thrilling group game requires no equipment and keeps everyone engaged. The mix of strategy, stealth and heightened awareness makes it a memorable activity that participants will ask to play again. Suitable for indoor or outdoor settings.

Ghost – Suspenseful Group Game
  1. Identify approximately 1 out of every 8 people in your group to be ‘ghosts.’
  2. Ask the ghosts to stand aside for a few moments.
  3. Invite the rest of your group to randomly distribute themselves throughout a specified area, then stand still and close their eyes.
  4. Challenge the ghosts to eliminate as many of the others in the group by attempting to stand directly behind one person (at a time) for 10 or more seconds.
  5. If a ghost can remain undetected for 10 seconds, they are entitled to tap the person gently on their shoulders to announce their presence (to eliminate that person.)
  6. If the presence of a ghost is detected in advance, the unsighted person will call “IS THERE A GHOST BEHIND ME?”
  7. If the call is correct, these two people swap roles, otherwise, the accuser is eliminated.
  8. Continue play until everyone has been eliminated or the time limit for the ghosts to perform their task has expired.

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