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Group playing fun group game FFEACH


Very entertaining team-based charade-style game.

  • Fast-paced
  • Very fun & playful
  • Promotes interaction
  • Develops communication
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In advance, visit the Resources tab to download a sample list of names representing the topics of fast foods, electric appliances and comic book heroes/heroines.
  2. Form teams of approx 4 to 8 people.
  3. Locate each team well apart from one another.
  4. Invite one person from each team to approach you.
  5. Leaning in close to these volunteers, whisper the name of the first topic on your list.
  6. Instruct these volunteers to return to their group and use a series of non-verbal gestures to communicate this topic to their team as quickly and effectively as possible.
  7. As soon as the topic is identified correctly, a new person from the team returns to you to check their answer.
  8. If the answer is correct, you whisper the next topic on your list.
  9. This person returns to their group to continue the ‘charade & guessing’ process.
  10. Game continues for up to 15 minutes or until the energy starts to wane.

Resources Premium

How To Play Narrative Premium

Practical Leadership Tips Premium

Social-Emotional Learning Premium

Health & Wellness Programming Premium

Popular Variations Premium

Virtual Adaptation Premium

You Might Also Like... Premium

Useful Framing Ideas Premium

Reflection Tips & Strategies Premium

Source Premium


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