This group energiser game creates instant engagement through synchronized movement and shared challenge. Count To Six transforms simple arm movements into a quick and easy energiser that generates smiles and concentration. Perfect as a fun group game, it naturally builds energy and connection while participants discover how coordination and laughter go hand in hand.
Count To Six – Group Energiser Game
Start by standing in front of your group, with your arms by your sides.
Announce that you are going to count to six as you move your arms in a particular pattern.
Instruct your group to observe your various movements with a view to copying them shortly.
Starting with your right arm, move it up (above your head) and down to your side three times quickly as you count “ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX.”
Invite your group to practice this several times.
Switch focus to your left arm.
Start by moving your arm up (on “ONE”) then pointing to your left (for “TWO”) and then back down to your side (“THREE”) and repeat these moves as you continue the count of “FOUR, FIVE, SIX.”
Practice these moves with a consistent beat a few times.
Finally, instruct your group to combine both arm patterns at the same time, as they count to six.
Allow up to 10 minutes to practice this highly refined skill many times until they get it.
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