This outdoor strategy game ignites critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving in an exciting format. Capture The Flags delivers an engaging large group game experience that naturally encourages strategic planning and team coordination. As an outdoor team challenge activity, it creates multiple opportunities for leadership development and tactical decision-making. The dynamic nature of play keeps everyone actively involved while building communication skills and fostering healthy competition.
Capture The Flags – Outdoor Strategy Game
Identify a very large, open outside space and divide it into two roughly even halves.
Form two teams and allocate each team one-half of the area as their ‘safe’ zone.
Supply each team with an equal number of flags, a bunch of soft tossables and one bucket.
Instruct each team to place their set of identifiable flags inside the bucket at the rear of their safe zone.
When ready, invite each team to retrieve all of their opponent’s flags and place them inside their own bucket.
Announce that people may be eliminated by (a) being tagged within their opponent’s safe zone, or (b) being hit by a soft tossable in their own safe area.
If a person holding a flag is eliminated, the flag must immediately be dropped to the ground.
Any flag or soft tossable that is lying on the ground may be picked up by any team member.
All eliminated people will be invited to observe the continuing action from the sidelines.
Play for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of your group and the wide area being used.
The first team to successfully retrieve all of their opponent’s flags, or eliminate all of their opponent’s members wins.
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Have you played this activity? What worked, what didn't work? What type of group? Do you have useful advice for other users? Do you know a fun variation?
Fantastic wide game for big groups. Don’t think we play these big games enough. Certainly great to get people moving about and having fun while also practicing their problem solving and collaborative skills.
Brand NEW book featuring 150+ outrageously fun group games & activities. Scan QR codes to connect to tons of digital content including video tutorials.
Fantastic wide game for big groups. Don’t think we play these big games enough. Certainly great to get people moving about and having fun while also practicing their problem solving and collaborative skills.