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Group of people holding hands and moving quickly as part of Quick Line-Up energiser

Quick Line-Up

Energetic, large group energiser for wide open spaces.

  • Playful & fun
  • Highly energetic
  • Inspires collaboration
  • Demands critical thinking
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Form four teams of roughly even numbers.
  2. Standing in the middle of an open space, the members of each team stand in a straight line to represent one (or four) sides of a square.
  3. Position yourself in the middle of this square.
  4. Facing towards one of the teams, ask each team to acknowledge their position relative to you, eg front, back, left or right.
  5. When you shift your position, every team must re-orient themselves, so that they return to their original orientation relative to you.
  6. On the call “QUICK LINE-UP” each team must re-orient themselves, re-form their line, hold hands and say “WE’RE HERE” as quickly as possible.
  7. The team which re-positions itself  the quickest, wins that round.
  8. Play for several rounds, during which you shift your position progressively further away from your group.

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