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Group of people playing active energiser game Around The World in pairs

Around The World

Active energiser game gets everyone moving with Rock-Paper-Scissors fun.

  • Very active
  • Healthy competition
  • Small or large groups
  • Multiple variations
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

This active energiser game transforms a fun partner game into an exciting whole-of-group movement challenge. Around The World combines elements of a fun group game with strategic choices that keep everyone moving and engaged. Teachers and group facilitators value how this warm-up game naturally builds energy whilst creating friendly competition. The blend of simple rules and continuous movement makes it perfect for youth groups, classrooms or camps.

Around The World – Active Energiser Game
  1. To begin, present a few rounds of Your Add to warm up your group, or if you prefer, Rock-Paper-Scissors.
  2. Within a large, open playing space, designate three or four areas as belonging to well-known cities or countries of the world, eg New York, Tokyo, Sydney, etc.
  3. Ask each person to stand in the area belonging to that city or country that they’d like to visit the most.
  4. Each person aims to travel to each of the designated cities/countries in a clockwise direction as often as possible within two minutes.
  5. To move from one city/country to the next, a person must win a quick game of Your Add involving any person standing in the same area.
  6. The ‘winner’ is permitted to advance clockwise to the next city, while the ‘loser’ will remain in the same area and engage a new, random person in a new round of Your Add.
  7. The person who completes the most number of rotations (of all areas) within the allotted time is declared the winner.

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Comments (1)

  1. David Piang-Nee

    Great activity .. full of energy.. potentially running a couple of variations during the one game session could allow people whose strength isn’t maths for example to be able to still compete and not get too frustrated eg.allow 1 minute of maths then 1 minute of another variant and then again until you stop the game. This would exercise various abilities and cater for more people possibly .. Paper, Scissors,Rock would work well here too. Super fun.

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