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Person holding letter card that starts with initial of Inspired

Starts With

Simple processing exercise using alphabet letter set.

  • Easy to understand
  • Quick
  • Useful social prompt
  • Challenging
  • Universally applicable

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In advance, visit the Resources tab to download a set of Print+Play alphabet cards.
  2. Randomly distribute one or two letter cards to each person in your group.
  3. Invite each person to form into pairs or small groups of 3 to 5 people.
  4. Announce one of a series of topics or categories connected to your group’s experience, eg a skill, highlight, strength, limitation, etc.
  5. Using one of their alphabet cards, ask each person to share as many words as they can that start with this letter to reflect something about their experience.
  6. Allow 1 to 2 minutes for each person to share.
  7. Repeat with one or more perhaps more challenging topics.

Resources Premium

How To Play Narrative Premium

Practical Leadership Tips Premium

Social-Emotional Learning Premium

Health & Wellness Programming Premium

Popular Variations Premium

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Useful Framing Ideas Premium

Source Premium


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