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Sheet of uncrumpled paper representing creative processing activity Crumpled


Creative processing activity to reframe negative into positive.

  • Extremely simple
  • Leverages powerful metaphors
  • Inspires self-reflection
  • Ideal for building SEL skills

Step-by-Step Instructions

This creative processing activity guides groups through a meaningful journey of transformation and insight. What begins as a simple piece of paper becomes, through Crumpled, a powerful tool for processing difficult experiences. Using artistic expression as a unique debriefing activity, participants discover how the physical transformation of their concerns creates new perspectives and understanding.

Crumpled – Creative Processing Activity
  1. Distribute a sheet of paper and pen to each person in your group.
  2. Invite each person to focus on a particular experience that frustrates them, makes them angry or causes them concern.
  3. In as few words as possible, ask each person to write this experience on their paper.
  4. When ready, ask everyone to crumple the sheet of paper into a ball.
  5. Immediately, or at a later point, ask each person to open the crumpled paper and flatten it as much as possible.
  6. Using whatever pens, markers and/or craft materials you have available, ask each person to transform their paper into something new, eg add a doodle, colour it in, fold it into something, etc.
  7. When ready, invite one or more members of your group to share what they created.
  8. Invite your group to reflect on the process of reframing their experience.

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How To Play Narrative Premium

Practical Leadership Tips Premium

Social-Emotional Learning Premium

Health & Wellness Programming Premium

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