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Very simple, yet powerful metaphoric reflection tool.
Creative processing activity to reframe negative into positive.
Group reflection exercise that builds self-awareness & celebrates individual growth.
Powerful self-reflection & processing strategy.
Mindful reflection activity to build gratitude & awareness.
Group discussion method turns questions into meaningful conversations.
Thoughtful reflection activity to explore identity & find meaning.
Powerful tool to make decisions based on collective wisdom.
Thought-provoking series of cards to inspire engagement.
Highly versatile reflection strategy for all groups.
Creative reflection activity that encourages deeper reflection.
Engaging technique to tell a story about an experience.
Fun reflection exercise that fosters open dialogue.
Simple processing exercise using alphabet letter set.
Reflection activity game to explore group thoughts & experiences.
Emotional literacy cards to facilitate reflection & deeper sharing.
Visual reflection tool to deepen learning through powerful imagery.
Structured technique to give everyone an equal say.
Balloon reflection activity adds fun to serious discussions.
Simple, structured & open-ended debrief activity.
Quick & simple reflection strategy for group debriefs.
Simple, non-threatening strategy to invite sharing.
Simple & powerfully emotive processing strategy.
Structured reflection activity to engage all voices in group discussions.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.