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Strength-finding exercise to celebrate unique gifts & build connections.
Name puzzle game to connect group members through creative play.
Visual group agreement tool to establish team norms & values.
Powerful self-reflection & processing strategy.
Positive affirmation exercise that builds self-awareness and emotional resilience.
Mindful reflection activity to build gratitude & awareness.
Well-being check-in exercise to enhance self-awareness & reflection.
Group energiser game to boost coordination & shared laughter.
Mindfulness group activity to promote emotional well-being.
Simple opening and/or closing exercise for gatherings.
Curious choose-your-own-adventure search game.
Powerful & simple relaxation exercise for all groups.
Interactive movement energiser to build group awareness & focus.
Powerful tool to make decisions based on collective wisdom.
Virtual icebreaker activity to spark curious conversations.
Very simple energising team-building exercise.
Rope ladder challenge to develop balance & problem-solving skills.
Fast-paced story-making & sharing reflection tool.
Highly versatile reflection strategy for all groups.
Guided relaxation exercise to discover inner sensations & reduce stress.
Fun traversing challenge for one or more people.
Dice sharing game to spark meaningful conversations & connections.
Challenging balance exercise to build trust & spotting skills.
Engaging technique to tell a story about an experience.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.