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Multi-layered group initiative to test collaboration.
Challenging & enthralling group initiative for small groups.
Blindfold team-building game to develop trust & communication.
Fun group initiative to explore the skill of multitasking.
Blindfold team activity builds trust & problem-solving skills.
Terrific group problem-solving exercise to teach perspective.
Dramatic trust-building game to explore impacts of competition.
Complex group initiative using simple equipment.
Listening skills activity that develops empathy & communication skills.
Group challenge game tests teamwork with target throwing task.
Active team challenge to boost coordination & teamwork.
Detective puzzle game to enhance team problem-solving skills.
Large group team-building game sparks energy & connection.
Intriguing logic puzzle designed to be solved in groups.
Powerful trust-building initiative for partners & groups.
Group discussion method turns questions into meaningful conversations.
Extremely adaptable version of classic group initiative.
Interactive movement energiser to build group awareness & focus.
One of the best large group excuses for getting wet.
Very simple energising team-building exercise.
Highly dynamic team activity dedicated to building trust.
Fun navigational exercise to build observation skills.
Mobile & active team challenge where nothing is hidden.
Exciting team-based, pattern-finding group initiative.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.