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Why Is Teambuilding Important?

Experiential Trainer, Author & Speaker

Why Team-Building is Essential for a Successful & Productive Workplace

When you hear the phrase “team-building,” what comes to mind?

Whether you’re researching the importance of teambuilding or facing a challenge with your own team’s productivity, this post will guide you through the fundamental reasons why teambuilding is critical for success in any organization.

We’ll cover what team-building really is, why it’s so important in the workplace, and how it can transform your team’s performance.

What is Teambuilding?

Teambuilding is more than just casual outings or company dinners.

It’s a strategic process that engages team members with the intention of building trust, fostering communication, and improving collaboration.

The Oxford Dictionary defines teambuilding as “the action or process of causing a group of people to work together effectively, especially by means of activities and events designed to increase motivation and cooperation.”

While accurate, that doesn’t really explain what team-building really is.

What Teambuilding is Not

Many people associate team building with fun activities like cricket matches or BBQs. While these can be enjoyable, they often miss the mark.

Real team-building focuses on intentional experiences that build trust and communication between team members. Without this focus, your team may leave these events just as disconnected as before.

Why Teambuilding is Important in the Workplace

In my opinion, successful teams don’t just happen; they are built through intentional activities designed to foster trust and collaboration.

So, why is teambuilding important in the workplace?

Here are three critical reasons:

  1. Higher Participation and Productivity: Well-executed teambuilding activities lead to higher engagement and participation among team members. This, in turn, results in greater productivity and lower absenteeism. According to research from Gallup, highly engaged business units experience a 41% reduction in absenteeism.
  2. Stronger Relationships: Building meaningful connections between employees fosters a more positive work culture. When team members trust one another, conflicts are minimized, and job satisfaction increases. Strong relationships also reduce the number of personnel issues that managers need to address.
  3. Improved Performance: Whether measured by productivity in the workplace or academic results in an educational setting, teambuilding enhances performance. High-trust teams report increased energy, engagement, and overall performance. In fact, Harvard Business Review found that employees in high-trust companies report 50% higher productivity.
Team-building with Helium Stick activity

The Purpose of Team Bonding

Teambuilding isn’t just about having fun; it serves a deeper purpose. The primary goal is to create a sense of belonging and trust among team members, which facilitates better communication and collaboration.

This strong foundation helps teams navigate challenges more effectively, leading to long-term success.

When done right, a teambuilding session can offer multiple benefits:

  • Higher Engagement: Research by Gallup shows that highly engaged teams lead to a 21% higher profitability for businesses.
  • Enhanced Trust: Teambuilding activities foster open communication, creating an environment where employees feel more comfortable sharing ideas and concerns.
  • Increased Motivation: Motivated teams perform better. The sense of accomplishment after a successful teambuilding session can boost morale and inspire team members to give their best efforts.

Research Supports the Benefits of Teambuilding

The benefits of team-building are not just anecdotal; they are backed by solid research and statistics, compiled by some of the biggest names in the business.

From the Harvard Business Review (2017), employees at companies with high trust report:

  • 74% less stress and 13% fewer sick days
  • 106% more energy and 50% higher productivity
  • 76% more engagement and 40% less burnout

In another study (2021,) the Harvard Business Review found that millennials prioritize ‘people & culture fit’ above everything else.

In fact, 15% of job seekers declined offers from companies because of poor company culture.

In 2020, McKinsey said 75% of survey participants said that the most stressful aspect of their job was their immediate boss.

Giant research & analytics company Gallup Inc reports that:

  • Highly engaged business units see a 41% reduction in absenteeism and achieve 59% less employee turnover.
  • A highly engaged workforce has 21% higher profitability.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

You can explore these and many more interesting statistics that speak to the benefits of team-building here.

Ready to Build Your Team?

If you’re convinced of the benefits of team-building and ready to invest in your team’s success, click here to explore hundreds of activities designed to engage, interact, and build trust featured on playmeo’s activity database.

Whether you’re looking for a two-day program or a quick team bonding session, you’ll find a wide range of options that cater to your needs.

Or, if you’d prefer to have someone do the work for you, click the button below to request a custom teambuilding program quote.

Get Teambuilding Quote


Teambuilding is essential for creating high-performing teams that are engaged, motivated, and productive.

By focusing on intentional activities that foster trust and collaboration, you can transform your workplace culture and achieve lasting success.

For more insights and resources, check out the links below, and don’t forget to subscribe to stay updated on the latest teambuilding strategies!

Original post September 2024, last updated September 2024.

By - Experiential Trainer, Author & Speaker

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