Sticks of spaghetti poked into a marshmallow, as seen in team-building initiative Marshmallow Challenge game

Marshmallow Challenge

Classic problem-solving exercise for small teams.

  • Playful & fun
  • Simple props
  • Promotes creativity
  • Builds problem-solving skills
  • Many metaphors

Step-by-Step Instructions

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Comments (3)

  1. Brad Lundell

    I gave my teams unlimited supplies. It was interesting to see just about everyone over-engineer their tower and use too much material and their towers would just fall over and fail. It took the teams quite a while to figure out that less is more in this activity.

    • Mark Collard

      Brad, I have seen the same outcome from teams who are given too much stuff. It always seems like a good idea at the time… 🙂

  2. Katie Inouye

    I used this activity with a group of middle school students and it worked great! The students loved the challenge and we had a good discussion afterwards about teamwork and creative problem-solving.

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