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Group problem-solving exercise involving people moving to opposite ends of a line, called Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam

Complex problem-solving exercise for small groups.

  • Simple to set up
  • Classic group initiative
  • Develops critical thinking skills
  • Focus on trial & error
  • Ideal for small spaces

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In advance, visit the Resources tab to download the solution to this problem-solving challenge.
  2. Lay a series of nine rubber spots in a straight line on the ground/floor, spaced about 600mm apart.
  3. Invite eight people to stand on the spots, leaving the centre (5th) spot empty.
  4. Ask each person to face towards the centre (empty) spot, thereby creating two teams of four people facing the back of another team member.
  5. Challenge each of the two smaller teams of four people to swap places with the other team of four, ie so that they all end up facing away from the middle.
  6. All moves must adhere to three strict parameters:
    – An individual may only move into an empty space directly in front of them;
    – If two people are facing one another, one of them may move around the other provided there is an empty space to move into; and
    – Only one person may move at a time.
  7. No backward moves are allowed, nor may one person move around another if they are facing their back.
  8. Allow your group many attempts until they discover the solution.

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