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Woman lying on ground with arms and legs in air playing active tag game Dead Ant Tag

Dead Ant Tag

Active tag game to boost energy & teamwork with high fun factor.

  • Very playful & fun
  • Highly interactive
  • Promotes collaboration
  • Ideal for large groups

Step-by-Step Instructions

This active tag game creates non-stop action and laughter while promoting teamwork and physical activity. Dead Ant Tag cleverly combines running, tagging and rescue missions into an energetic and engaging experience. The unique twist of requiring four people to help each tagged player encourages cooperation and strategy, making it an ideal choice for physical education classes and outdoor recreation programs.

Dead Ant Tag – Active Tag Game
  1. Randomly place a series of hula-hoops within a wide, open space, naming them ‘ant hospitals.’
  2. Spread your group throughout this space and announce that they are all ‘ants.’
  3. One person volunteers to be ‘It’ and attempts to tag as many people as possible.
  4. When someone is tagged, they must drop to the ground, with arms and legs wiggling in the air, and call out “DEAD ANT, DEAD ANT…” until they are saved.
  5. Grabbing one limb each, four other ants may carry a dead ant to the closest ant hospital.
  6. A person assisting a dead ant (by holding a limb) is safe from being tagged.
  7. Once inside a hula-hoop, a dead ant can get back on their feet and return to the game.
  8. Continue play for 1-2 minutes, or until the energy starts to fade.

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Comments (2)

  1. Jamazurunner

    Super fun game for large groups of kiddos!

    Note that not all students feel comfortable being carried- we implemented a few modifications for those students to help them feel more comfortable and successful in this game.

    Level 1: Students sit criss cross with “jazz hands.” They receive a high five from another ant which gets them back into the game
    Level 2: Students lie down with feet on the ground, two hands up. Two ants grab one hand then drag the student to hoop.
    Level 3: Same as the activity listed

    • Mark Collard

      Loving the Jazz Hands/High-5 option, super accessible for everyone. Well played.

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