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Fun team ice-breaker activity with four people sitting around a table writing on paper as they discuss many of their Commonalities


Team icebreaker activity to discover surprising group connections.

  • Ideal ice-breaker
  • Non-threatening
  • Promotes sharing
  • Inspires creativity

Step-by-Step Instructions

This team icebreaker activity encourages small groups to dig deep and discover unexpected connections among team members. Commonalities transforms a simple sharing exercise into an intriguing get-to-know experience where teams compete to find the most unique shared attributes. Perfect for breaking down barriers, it naturally generates laughter and meaningful conversations as participants uncover surprising similarities.

Commonalities – Team Icebreaker Activity
  1. Divide your group into teams of four to six people.
  2. Provide each group with a pen and paper.
  3. Challenge each group to list as many ‘attributes’ every person in the group has in common.
  4. Encourage groups to seek unique attributes, because if another group has a similar attribute on their list, both groups must cross it off their list.
  5. After five to eight minutes, invite each group to read their full list of commonalities to everyone.
  6. The group with the most attributes (remaining) on their list after all groups have shared, wins.

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